
Looking at Carlton Range from Lake Kununurra.
Carlton Range (also known as Elephant Rock) is a short distance from Kununurra on Packsaddle Road or the Ord River. The Ord River catchment is one of the major river systems in northern Australia. The region is culturally significant and supports important aquatic ecosystems.

ISO 9001

Quality management

Ord Irrigation Cooperative applies quality assurance in delivering products and services. Our business maintains its infrastructure so as to effectively and efficiently satisfy the needs of its customers, who include farmers and the general public. Our quality management policy has been developed in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

ISO 14001

Environmental management

We firmly believe that good environmental performance is in the best interests of our business’ long-term success. Ord Irrigation Cooperative is achieving environmental management excellence through a fully developed and implemented Environmental Management System (EMS) and is certified to the ISO 14001 standard.

ISO 55001

Asset management

The management of infrastructure assets is a key function of the Ord Irrigation Cooperative. It forms an integral part of our planning and decision-making processes. We have developed an Asset Management Plan that aligns with the principles of the ISO 55001 standard.

ISO 4801


Ord Irrigation Cooperative is committed to the health and safety of its people and the community in which it operates. In pursuit of OHS excellence, the management have fully developed and implemented an OHS system that meets the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard.

Ord Irrigation Cooperative logo